Web2.0 Bubble ?

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Web2.0 Bubble ?
In Dec, 2007 I was already wondering : Is there a Web 2.0 Bubble ?

Now I see some other people talking about a possible burst of this bubble by the crisis (In French): La crise fera-t'elle exploser la bulle 2.0 ?

Would I pay for Yahoo Mail ? Yes, I already do.
Would I pay for Gmail ? Maybe
Would I pay for Facebook ? No
Would I pay for Twitter ? Probably No
Would I pay for Friendfeed ? No
Would I pay for Linked In : Yes
(I don't do them all...)

Will I continue my web1.0 website: yes !
In Dec, 2007 I was already wondering : Is there a Web 2.0 Bubble ?

Now I see some other people talking about a possible burst of this bubble by the crisis (In French): La crise fera-t'elle exploser la bulle 2.0 ?

Would I pay for Yahoo Mail ? Yes, I already do.
Would I pay for Gmail ? Maybe
Would I pay for Facebook ? No
Would I pay for Twitter ? Probably No
Would I pay for Friendfeed ? No
Would I pay for Linked In : Yes
(I don't do them all...)

Will I continue my web1.0 website: yes !

Is there a Web 2.0 Bubble ?

Now I see some other people talking about a possible burst of this bubble by the crisis (In French): La crise fera-t'elle exploser la bulle 2.0 ?

Would I pay for Yahoo Mail ? Yes, I already do.
Would I pay for Gmail ? Maybe
Would I pay for Facebook ? No
Would I pay for Twitter ? Probably No
Would I pay for Friendfeed ? No
Would I pay for Linked In : Yes
(I don't do them all...)

Will I continue my web1.0 website: yes ! " class="_hs_socialshare">Share