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Spammed Architecture Framework

The Activities of SAF (Spammed Architecture Framework) include

  • Stakeholders -identify the stakeholders - Anyone with vested interest in the project (end users, clients, project manager, developers etc.) These are the people you will have to explain you architecture to. These are the people that have concerns that the architecture will have to satisfy (or most likely balance). Thus, the fist step is to identify and rank them.
  • Principles – list Principles, Goals and Constrains. These are the properties you wish your architecture to have (or lack) based on your previous experience. Constrains can also come from your stakeholders (e.g. management decided that all project should be .NET, a deadline etc.)
  • Attributes – discover quality attributes, the non-functional reqeirements, that (once prioritized) serve as the guide for the overall goodness of the system (Performace, Availability, scalability etc.)
  • Model – model (and document if needed) the architecture as seen from different viewpoints (list of viewpoints is stakeholder driven). Example for viewpoints include package diagrams, deployment diagrams, DB Schema etc. etc.
  • Map – Technology mapping, buy vs. make decisions etc.
  • Evaluate – Since architecture is the set of decision that are hardest to change it is worthwhile to spend some time trying to evaluate if they are indeed correct before commencing on
  • Deploy – Software architectures are not a fire and forget thing. As an architect you still have to make sure that the guidelines set are indeed followed and even more importantly that the architecture chosen indeed match the project’s needs and doesn’t have to be reworked.


Last edited on Tuesday, January 23, 2007 at 19:58:00 pm.