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Philips Design Process

High Design is a philosophy of design, as well as an enriched design approach that integrates established design skills with other disciplines in the areas of human sciences, technology and business.

  • The Philips Design philosophy

The High Design Process is:

People focused - to deliver solutions that are not only technologically possible but preferable, from the social, anthropological and personal point of view

Multi- disciplinary - to guarantee that all points of view (people, technology and business) are taken into account.

  • Multi-disciplinary work

Research based - to ensure that the results obtained are based on actual facts and to continuously expand knowledge

The High Design Process is structured into 5 phases:

  1. Initiation phase - deliverable: shared understanding amongst the project team and the client of the objectives and scope of the project objectives
  2. Analysis phase - research and optimization of the objectives of the project within the marketing, technology and planning constraints
  3. Concept phase - ideas development and delivery of a design proposal
  4. Finalization phase - delivery of design specifications
  5. Evaluation phase - evaluation of the project deliverable, process and communication (carried out with the client) to be used as input for future projects.

See http://www.design.philips.com/about/design/profile/approach/thehighdesignprocess/index.page

Last edited on Thursday, November 06, 2008 at 21:46:55 pm.