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20071231 Archive

Merci pour le feedback...
Aujourd'hui je lis mon email, j'ai un nouveau commentaire sur mon site. Chouette !
He ben non. C'est une insulte et ca me fait de la peine... (voir plus loin)

Peut-être que avec mon site web je ressemble à une Castafiore mais c'est un hobby, cela m'amuse et je n'oblige personne à le lire...

Joyeux Noel et Bonne année quand même à celui qui m'a envoyé ce commentaire:

A new comment on the post #6 "General Comments" is waiting for your approval

Author : Mickey (IP: , ip-213-49-228-90.dsl.scarlet.be)
E-mail : Mickey.mouse@disney.com
Whois : http://ws.arin.net/cgi-bin/whois.pl?queryinput=
Quel connard ce type. IBM emploie vraiment des Castafiore
Merry Christmass and a Happy New Year

We wish you a Merry Christmas,
We wish you a Merry Christmas,
We wish you a Merry Christmas,
And a Happy New Year!
Good tidings we bring
To you and your kin;
We wish you a Merry Christmas
And a Happy New Year!
Some good words of this week
"Il n'y a pas de vent favorable pour celui qui ne sait ou il va" - heard on Europe1 a long time ago but I still think about it

(There is no favorable wind for the one who doesn't know where he goes)

"Si c'est défendu, c'est que c'est possible" - IBM Sales Motto

(If it's forbidden, it's possible)

"May the best of your past be the worst of your future" - Peter Raferty (Vlerick Mgt School) to Roland Van Dierdonck departing Dean of the school
When the wind blows in your direction
Yesterday I attended the Vlerick Winter Reunion and we had an excellent presentation by Bertrand Piccard. Bertrand Piccard is one of the two pilots of the first ever non-stop balloon flight around the world.

It's difficult to summarize all the concepts that were explained yesterday. Here are the topics I have written down. In fact I agree with most of the ideas of Bertrand Piccard and I believe I have already applied them more than once.

Don't fight against the winds, just choose the most favorable one
Bertrand Piccard explained that during this air balloon experience, he learned that trying to control everything (an air balloon, your life, your career...) does not automatically lead to success. You also need to stop and feel the possible winds, change your plans and follow the most favorable winds.

To be able to adapt to most favorable winds, there is a necessary mind shift which doesn't match our education. We have been trained to eliminate the unknown in order to come back in speed, control and power and work as a bulldozer to reach our goal. We have been trained to react and not to pro-act.

Decision taking when facing the unknown is a difficult task. If you take decisions alone, you face the risk of having too little objectivity. In the balloon decision taking was than the result of a discussion between the two pilots. The problem is that two people sharing ideas are not productive : or they have the same ideas and 1+1=1 or they disagree and 1+1=0. The trick is to avoid expressing ideas but rather sharing experiences. Those experiences being the necessary information for a common decision taking. It's a positive common bottom-up argumentation rather that a destructive top-down opposition of ideas.

In summary
"I wish I have the strength to change what I can change,

that I have the courage to accept what I can't change,

and that I have the wisdom to be able to make the difference between what I can change and what I can't change

Also have a look at Bertrand Piccard's website here : http://www.bertrandpiccard.com/eng/index.php
Mobile School
A nice project to have a look at. Vlerick supports the project = gave money during the 2007 Winter Reunion yesterday.
2 New books
Last week, I received two books :
  • Herman Van den Broeck - Le coaching, ça marque (Lannoo Campus)
  • Ben Margolis - SOA for the Business Developer (MC Press)

Last edited on Wednesday, January 02, 2008 at 16:28:00 pm.