Example *
 * // Information array
 * $colors = array(array('id' => 1,
 *                       'name' => 'Red',
 *                       'encoding' => 'ff0000'),
 *                 array('id' => 2,
 *                       'name' => 'Blue',
 *                       'encoding' => '00ff00'),
 *                 array('id' => 3,
 *                       'name' => 'Green',
 *                       'encoding' => '0000ff'));
 * // Create the HTML object and start it
 * $myhtml = new pnHTML();
 * $myhtml->Start();
 * // Add table showing encoding information
 * $myhtml->TableStart('Colors and Their Encodings', array('Color', 'Encoding'));
 * foreach ($colors as $color) {
 *     $info = array($color['name'], $color['encoding']);
 *     $myhtml->TableAddRow($info);
 * }
 * $myhtml->TableEnd();
 * // Add form to select a color
 * $myhtml->Text('<P><P>');
 * $myhtml->FormStart('colorchosen.php');
 * $myhtml->Text('Select a color: ');
 * $myhtml->FormList('chosen', $colorinfo);
 * $myhtml->FormSubmit('That\'s the color I want');
 * $myhtml->FormEnd();
 * // End the HTML object and print it
 * $myhtml->End();
 * $myhtml->PrintPage();
* * @package PostNuke * @author Jim McDonald * @author Patrick Kellum * @link http://www.postnuke.com/ The Official PostNuke website * @copyright (C) 2001, 2002 by the Post-Nuke Development Team * @version $Revision: 1.2 $ * @todo need to add text sanitizer */ class pnHTML { /*==============================================================================* | Properties | *==============================================================================*/ /** * Specific headers which must be printed prior to the main body of HTML * * @access private * @var string $header */ var $header; /** * The pending HTML output * * @access private * @var string $output */ var $output; /** * Return output? * * @access private * @var integer $return */ var $return; /** * Parse text for output? * * @access private * @var integer $parse */ var $parse; /** * Current tab index value * * @access private * @var integer $tabindex */ var $tabindex; /** * File upload mode * * @access private * @since 1.13 - 2002/01/23 * @var integer $fileupload */ var $fileupload; /*==============================================================================* | Methods: Base | *==============================================================================*/ /** * Constructor * * @access public * @return boolean Always returns true */ function pnHTML() { $this->header = array (); $this->output = ''; $this->return = _PNH_KEEPOUTPUT; $this->parse = _PNH_PARSEINPUT; $this->tabindex = 0; $this->fileupload = 0; return true; } /** * Return the current state of the output stream * * @access public * @since 1.13 - 2002/01/23 * @return integer Current output state * @see SetOutputMode() */ function GetOutputMode() { // The ONLY time this should be accessed directly return $this->return; } /** * Set state of the output stream * * @access public * @since 1.14 - 2002/01/29 * @param int $st Output state to set to * @return integer Previous state * @see GetOutputMode() */ function SetOutputMode($st) { $pre = $this->GetOutputMode(); switch ($st) { default: case _PNH_KEEPOUTPUT: { // The ONLY time this should be accessed directly $this->return = _PNH_KEEPOUTPUT; break; } case _PNH_RETURNOUTPUT: { // The ONLY time this should be accessed directly $this->return = _PNH_RETURNOUTPUT; break; } } return $pre; } /** * Retrive the current input state * * @access public * @since 1.13 - 2002/01/23 * @return integer Current input state * @see SetInputMode() */ function GetInputMode() { // The ONLY time this should be accessed directly return $this->parse; } /** * Set state of the input stream * * @access public * @since 1.14 - 2002/01/29 * @param int $st Input state to set to * @return integer Previous state * @see GetInputMode() */ function SetInputMode($st) { $pre = $this->GetInputMode(); switch ($st) { case _PNH_VERBATIMINPUT: { // The ONLY time this should be accessed directly $this->parse = _PNH_VERBATIMINPUT; break; } default: case _PNH_PARSEINPUT: { // The ONLY time this should be accessed directly $this->parse = _PNH_PARSEINPUT; break; } } return $pre; } /** * Set the form to allow file uploads to take place * * @access public * @since 1.13 - 2002/01/23 * @return boolean Always returns true * @see FormStart(), FormFile() */ function UploadMode() { $this->fileupload = 1; return true; } /*==============================================================================* | Methods: Output | *==============================================================================*/ /** * Return the HTML output from the buffer. * * Note that this function does not clear out the object's buffer. * * @access public * @since 1.15 - 2002/01/30 * @return string An HTML string */ function GetOutput() { return implode($this->header, "\n")."\n".$this->output; } /** * Print the HTML currently held in the object. * * Note that this function does not clear out the object's buffer. * * @access public */ function PrintPage() { // Headers set by the system foreach ($this->header as $headerline) { header($headerline); } // Other headers // jfdeclercq hack //header('Content-length: ' . strlen($this->output)); print $this->output; //echo $this->output; } /*==============================================================================* | Methods: Misc | *==============================================================================*/ /** * Put the appropriate HTML tags in place to create a valid start to HTML output. * * @access public * @return string An HTML string if ReturnHTML() has been called, * otherwise null * @see EndPage() */ function StartPage() { //ob_start(); include 'header.php'; // print ''; /* Fixes bug 16 Neo submitted by keops 14/09/2002 */ //print '
'; $output = 'start of table
'; //$output = ob_get_contents(); //ob_end_clean(); if ($this->GetOutputMode() == _PNH_RETURNOUTPUT) { return $output; } else { $this->output .= $output; } echo $output; } /** * Put the appropriate HTML tags in place to create a valid end to HTML output. * * @access public * @return string An HTML string if ReturnHTML() has been called, * otherwise null * @see StartPage() */ function EndPage() { global $index; if (pnVarCleanFromInput('module')) { $index = 0; } else { $index = 1; } //ob_start(); //print '
'; $output = 'end of table
'; //$output = ob_get_contents(); //ob_end_clean(); if ($this->GetOutputMode() == _PNH_RETURNOUTPUT) { return $output; } else { $this->output .= $output; } echo $output; include 'footer.php'; } /** * * @access public * @author Greg 'Adam Baum' * @since 1.13 - 2002/01/23 * @param integer $startnum start iteam * @param integer $total total number of items present * @param string $urltemplate template for url, will replace '%%' with item number * @param integer $perpage number of links to display (default=10) */ function Pager($startnum, $total, $urltemplate, $perpage=10) { // Quick check to ensure that we have work to do if ($total <= $perpage) { return; } $compoutput = new pnHTML(); if (empty($startnum)) { $startnum = 1; } if (empty($perpage)) { $perpage = 10; } // Make << and >> do paging properly // Display subset of pages if large number // Check that we are needed if ($total <= $perpage) { return; } // Show startnum link if ($startnum != 1) { $url = preg_replace('/%%/', 1, $urltemplate); $compoutput->URL($url, '<<'); } else { $compoutput->Text('<<'); } $compoutput->Text(' '); // Show following items $pagenum = 1; for ($curnum = 1; $curnum <= $total; $curnum += $perpage) { if (($startnum < $curnum) || ($startnum > ($curnum + $perpage - 1))) { // Not on this page - show link $url = preg_replace('/%%/', $curnum, $urltemplate); $compoutput->URL($url, $pagenum); $compoutput->Text(' '); } else { // On this page - show text $compoutput->Text($pagenum.' '); } $pagenum++; } if (($curnum >= $perpage+1) && ($startnum < $curnum-$perpage)) { $url = preg_replace('/%%/', $curnum-$perpage, $urltemplate); $compoutput->URL($url, '>>'); } else { $compoutput->Text('>>'); } if ($this->GetOutputMode() == _PNH_RETURNOUTPUT) { $compoutput->SetOutputMode(_PNH_RETURNOUTPUT); return $compoutput->PrintPage(); } else { $this->output .= $compoutput->GetOutput(); } } /** * Redirect the user to another page * * This function is broken, do not use it! * * @access public * @param string $url URL to redirect to * @param integer $waittime Seconds to wait before redirecting * @return string An HTML string if ReturnHTML() has been called, * otherwise null * @todo This function is broken, do not use it! */ function Redirect($url, $waittime=3) { global $HTTP_SERVER_VARS; $server = $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['HTTP_HOST']; if (empty($server)) { $server = getenv('HTTP_HOST'); } $self = $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['PHP_SELF']; if (empty($self)) { $self = getenv('PHP_SELF'); } // Removing leading slashes from path $path = preg_replace('!^/*!', '', dirname($self)); // Removing leading slashes from redirect url $url = preg_replace('!^/*!', '', $url); // Make redirect line if (empty ($path)) { $output = "Location: http://$server/$url"; } else { $output = "Location: http://$server/$path/$url"; } if ($this->GetOutputMode() == _PNH_RETURNOUTPUT) { return $output; } else { $this->header[] = $output; } } /** * composite function for generic confirmation of action * * @param string $confirm_text Confirmation message to display * @param string $confirm_url URL to go to if confirm button is clicked * @param string $cancel_text Link text cor the cancel message * @param string $cancel_url URL to go to is action is canceled * @param array $arg An array of args to create hidden fields for * * @access public */ function ConfirmAction($confirm_text, $confirm_url, $cancel_text, $cancel_url, $arg=array ()) { $compoutput = new pnHTML(); $compoutput->FormStart($confirm_url); $compoutput->Text($confirm_text); $compoutput->Linebreak(2); $arg['confirm'] = 1; $arg['authid'] = pnSecGenAuthKey(); $arg['confirmation'] = 1; $compoutput->FormHidden($arg); $compoutput->FormSubmit(_CONFIRM); $compoutput->Linebreak(2); $compoutput->URL($cancel_url, $cancel_text); $compoutput->FormEnd(); if ($this->GetOutputMode() == _PNH_RETURNOUTPUT) { $compoutput->SetOutputMode(_PNH_RETURNOUTPUT); return $compoutput->PrintPage(); } else { $compoutput->SetOutputMode(_PNH_RETURNOUTPUT); $this->output .= $compoutput->GetOutput(); } } /*==============================================================================* | Methods: Text | *==============================================================================*/ /** * Add free-form text to the object's buffer * * @access public * @param string $text The text string to add * @return string An HTML string if ReturnHTML() has been called, * otherwise null */ function Text($text) { if ($this->GetInputMode() == _PNH_PARSEINPUT) { $text = pnVarPrepForDisplay($text); } if ($this->GetOutputMode() == _PNH_RETURNOUTPUT) { return $text; } else { $this->output .= $text; } } /** * Add free-form text to the object's buffer as a title * * @access public * @param string $text the text string to add * @return string An HTML string if ReturnHTML() has been called, * otherwise null */ function Title($text) { $output = '
'; if ($this->GetInputMode() == _PNH_PARSEINPUT) { $output .= pnVarPrepForDisplay($text); } else { $output .= $text; } $output .= '

'; if ($this->GetOutputMode() == _PNH_RETURNOUTPUT) { return $output; } else { $this->output .= $output; } } /** * add bold text to the object's buffer * * @access public * @param string $text the text string to add * @return string An HTML string if ReturnHTML() has been called, * otherwise null */ function BoldText($text) { if ($this->GetOutputMode() == _PNH_RETURNOUTPUT) { return ''.pnVarPrepForDisplay($text).''; } else { $this->output .= ''.pnVarPrepForDisplay($text).''; } } /** * Add line break * * @access public * @param integer $numbreaks number of linebreaks to add * @return string An HTML string if ReturnHTML() has been called, * otherwise null */ function Linebreak($numbreaks=1) { $out = ''; for ($i=0; $i<$numbreaks; $i++) { $out .= '
'; } if ($this->GetOutputMode() == _PNH_RETURNOUTPUT) { return $out; } else { $this->output .= $out; } } /** * Add HTML tags for a hotlink. * * @access public * @since 1.13 - 2002/01/23 * @param string $url the URL of the link * @param string $text the text that the URL is anchored to * @return string An HTML string if ReturnHTML() has been called, * otherwise null */ function URL($url, $text) { if (empty ($url)) { return; } $output = ''; if (!empty($text)) { if ($this->GetInputMode() == _PNH_PARSEINPUT) { $text = pnVarPrepForDisplay($text); } $output .= $text; } $output .= ''; if ($this->GetOutputMode() == _PNH_RETURNOUTPUT) { return $output; } else { $this->output .= $output; } } /*==============================================================================* | Methods: Tables | *==============================================================================*/ /** * Add HTML tags for the start of a table. * * @access public * @param string $title the title of the table * @param array $headers an array of column headings * @param integer $border size of table borders * @param string $width the width of the table. can be null if no width needs * to be specified * @return string An HTML string if ReturnHTML() has been called, * otherwise null */ function TableStart($title='', $headers=array(), $border=0, $width='100%', $cellpadding=0, $cellspacing=0) { // Wrap the user table in our own invisible table to make the title sit properly $output = '\n"; if (!empty ($title)) { if ($this->GetInputMode() == _PNH_PARSEINPUT) { $title = pnVarPrepForDisplay($title); } $output .= '' . "\n"; } $output .= "
'. $title .'
\n"; if ($this->GetInputMode() == _PNH_PARSEINPUT) { $border = pnVarPrepForDisplay($border); } $output .= ''; // Add column headers if (!empty ($headers)) { $output .= ''; foreach ($headers as $head) { if (empty ($head)) { $head = ' '; } if ($this->GetInputMode() == _PNH_PARSEINPUT) { $head = pnVarPrepForDisplay($head); } $output .= ''; } $output .= ''; } if ($this->GetOutputMode() == _PNH_RETURNOUTPUT) { return $output; } else { $this->output .= $output; } } /** * Add HTML tags for the start of a table row. * * @access public * @param string $align Default horizantal alignment for all columns on this row * @param string $valign Default vertical alignment for all columns on this row * @return string An HTML string if ReturnHTML() has been called, * otherwise null */ function TableRowStart($align='center', $valign='middle') { $output = ''; if ($this->GetOutputMode() == _PNH_RETURNOUTPUT) { return $output; } else { $this->output .= $output; } } /** * Add HTML tags for the start of a table column. * * @access public * @param integer $colspan number of columns that this column spans * @param string $align Horizantal alignment of the column * @param string $valign Vertical alignment of this column * @param integer $rowspan Total rows this column uses * @return string An HTML string if ReturnHTML() has been called, * otherwise null */ function TableColStart($colspan=1, $align='center', $valign='middle', $rowspan=1) { $output = ''; if ($this->GetOutputMode() == _PNH_RETURNOUTPUT) { return $output; } else { $this->output .= $output; } } /** * Add HTML tags for the end of a table row. * * @access public * @return string An HTML string if ReturnHTML() has been called, * otherwise null */ function TableRowEnd() { $output = ''; if ($this->GetOutputMode() == _PNH_RETURNOUTPUT) { return $output; } else { $this->output .= $output; } } /** * Add HTML tags for the end of a table. * * @access public * @return string An HTML string if ReturnHTML() has been called, * otherwise null */ function TableEnd() { $output = '
' . $head . '
'; if ($this->GetOutputMode() == _PNH_RETURNOUTPUT) { return $output; } else { $this->output .= $output; } } /** * Add HTML tags for the end of a table column. * * @access public * @return string An HTML string if ReturnHTML() has been called, * otherwise null */ function TableColEnd() { $output = '
'; if ($this->GetOutputMode() == _PNH_RETURNOUTPUT) { return $output; } else { $this->output .= $output; } } /** * Add HTML tags for a row of a table. * * @access public * @param array $row an array of row entries * @param string $align (optional) the alignment of the row, which can be * one of 'left', 'center' or 'right' * @return string An HTML string if ReturnHTML() has been called, * otherwise null */ function TableAddRow($row, $align='center', $valign='middle') { if (empty ($row)) { return; } $output = ''; // test to see if we are using the latest array style if (is_array($row[0])) { // new style foreach ($row as $rowitem) { if (!isset($rowitem['content'])) { $rowitem['content'] = ' '; } if ($this->GetInputMode()) { $rowitem['content'] = pnVarPrepForDisplay($rowitem['content']); } $output .= ''.$rowitem['content'].'' ; } } else { // old style foreach ($row as $rowitem) { if (!isset($rowitem)) { $rowitem = ' '; } if ($this->GetInputMode() == _PNH_PARSEINPUT) { $rowitem = pnVarPrepForDisplay($rowitem); } $output .= '' . $rowitem . ''; } } $output .= ''; if ($this->GetOutputMode() == _PNH_RETURNOUTPUT) { return $output; } else { $this->output .= $output; } } /*==============================================================================* | Methods: Forms | *==============================================================================*/ /** * Add HTML tags to start a form. * * @access public * @param string $action the URL that this form should go to on submission * @return string An HTML string if ReturnHTML() has been called, * otherwise null */ function FormStart($action) { $output = '' ; if ($this->GetOutputMode() == _PNH_RETURNOUTPUT) { return $output; } else { $this->output .= $output; } } /** * Add HTML tags to end a form. * * @access public * @return string An HTML string if ReturnHTML() has been called, * otherwise null */ function FormEnd() { $output = ''; if ($this->GetOutputMode() == _PNH_RETURNOUTPUT) { return $output; } else { $this->output .= $output; } } /** * Add HTML tags for a submission button as part of a form. * * @access public * @param string $label (optional) the name of the submission button. This * defaults to 'Submit' * @param string $accesskey (optional) accesskey to active this button * @return string An HTML string if ReturnHTML() has been called, * otherwise null */ function FormSubmit($label='Submit', $accesskey='') { $this->tabindex++; $output = '' ; if ($this->GetOutputMode() == _PNH_RETURNOUTPUT) { return $output; } else { $this->output .= $output; } } /** * Add HTML tags for a text field as part of a form. * * @access public * @param string $fieldname the name of the text field * @param string $contents (optional) the inital value of the text field * @param integer $size (optional) the size of the text field on the page * in number of characters * @param integer $maxlength (optional) the maximum number of characters the * text field can hold * @param boolean $password (optional) field acts as a password field * @param string $accesskey (optional) accesskey to active this item * @return string An HTML string if ReturnHTML() has been called, * otherwise null */ function FormText($fieldname, $contents='', $size=16, $maxlength=64, $password=false, $accesskey='') { if (empty ($fieldname)) { return; } $this->tabindex++; $output = '' ; if ($this->GetOutputMode() == _PNH_RETURNOUTPUT) { return $output; } else { $this->output .= $output; } } /** * Add HTML tags for a text area as part of a form * * @access public * @param string $fieldname the name of the text area filed * @param string $contents the initial value of the text area field * @param integer $rows the number of rows that the text area | should cover * @param integer $cols the number of columns that the text area | should cover * @param string $wrap (optional) wordwrap mode to use, either 'soft' or 'hard' * @param string $accesskey (optional) accesskey to active this item * @return string An HTML string if ReturnHTML() has been called, * otherwise null */ function FormTextArea($fieldname, $contents='', $rows=6, $cols=40, $wrap='soft', $accesskey='') { if (empty ($fieldname)) { return; } $this->tabindex++; $output = '' .pnVarPrepForDisplay($contents) .'' ; if ($this->GetOutputMode() == _PNH_RETURNOUTPUT) { return $output; } else { $this->output .= $output; } } /** * Add HTML tags for a hidden field as part of a form. * * @access public * @param mixed $fieldname the name of the hidden field. can also be an array. * @param string $value the value of the hidden field * @return string An HTML string if ReturnHTML() has been called, * otherwise null */ function FormHidden($fieldname, $value='') { if (empty ($fieldname)) { return; } if (is_array($fieldname)) { $output = ''; foreach ($fieldname as $n=>$v) { $output .= '' ; } } else { $output = '' ; } if ($this->GetOutputMode() == _PNH_RETURNOUTPUT) { return $output; } else { $this->output .= $output; } } /** * Add HTML tags for a select field as part of a form. * * @access public * @since 1.13 - 2002/01/23 * @param string $fieldname the name of the select field * @param array $data an array containing the data for the list. Each array * entry is itself an array, containing the values for 'id' * (the value returned if the entry is selected), 'name' * (the string displayed for this entry) and 'selected' * (optional, 1 if this option is selected) * @param integer $multiple (optional) 1 if the user is allowed to * make multiple selections * @param integer $size (optional) the number of entries that are visible in the * select at any one time. Note that if the number * of actual items is less than this value then the select box will * shrink automatically to the correct size * @param string $selected (optional) selected value of id * @param string $accesskey (optional) accesskey to active this item * @return string An HTML string if ReturnHTML() has been called, * otherwise null */ function FormSelectMultiple($fieldname, $data, $multiple=0, $size=1, $selected = '', $accesskey='') { if (empty ($fieldname)) { return; } $this->tabindex++; // Set up selected if required if (!empty($selected)) { for ($i=0; !empty($data[$i]); $i++) { if ($data[$i]['id'] == $selected) { $data[$i]['selected'] = 1; } } } $c = count($data); if ($c < $size) { $size = $c; } $output = '' ; foreach ($data as $datum) { $output .= '' .pnVarPrepForDisplay($datum['name']) .'' ; } $output .= ''; if ($this->GetOutputMode() == _PNH_RETURNOUTPUT) { return $output; } else { $this->output .= $output; } } /** * Add HTML tags for a checkbox or radio button field as part of a form. * * @access public * @since 1.13 - 2002/01/23 * @param string $fieldname the name of the checkbox field * @param string $value (optional) the value of the checkbox field * @param boolean $checked (optional) the field is checked * @param string $type (optional) the type of field this is, either * 'checkbox' or 'radio' * @param string $accesskey (optional) accesskey to active this item * @return string An HTML string if ReturnHTML() has been called, * otherwise null */ function FormCheckbox($fieldname, $checked=false, $value='1', $type='checkbox', $accesskey='') { if (empty ($fieldname)) { return; } $this->tabindex++; $output = '' ; if ($this->GetOutputMode() == _PNH_RETURNOUTPUT) { return $output; } else { $this->output .= $output; } } /** * Add HTML tags for a file upload field as part of a form. * * @access public * @since 1.13 - 2002/01/23 * @param string $fieldname the name of the field * @param integer $size (optional) the size of the field on the page in number * of characters * @param integer $maxsize (optional) the maximum file size allowed (in bytes) * @param string $accesskey (optional) accesskey to active this item * @return string An HTML string if ReturnHTML() has been called, * otherwise null */ function FormFile($fieldname, $size=32, $maxsize=1000000, $accesskey='') { if (empty ($fieldname)) { return; } $this->tabindex++; $output = ''; $output .= '' ; if ($this->GetOutputMode() == _PNH_RETURNOUTPUT) { return $output; } else { $this->output .= $output; } } } ?>